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The Relationship of KFTD Ethical Standards with Employee Welfare to Prevent Corruption

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Employee welfare has a big impact on working performance and improves retention. When fulfilled rightly, this factor can even prevent acts of corruption within the company.

Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) understands the importance of this and manages all working relationships with employees in an orderly manner. Apart from that, as a state company, KFTD also pays close attention to the welfare of its employees. All rules regarding employee work relations are also regulated in the code of conduct and determined by ethical standards to create a good and conducive work environment free from corruption practices.

Here’s how KFTD ethical standards boost employees welfare and prevent corruption within the company:

Provide equal opportunities for employees to grow

The company carries out employee coaching and development in order to improve the quality of the company’s main assets. KFTD also provides equal opportunities for all employees to take part in education and training according to the competencies required by their position.

Determine rewards and punishments fairly

Providing rewards can encourage employees to continue working well for the company’s progress. Apart from that, KFTD also implements a fair punishment system according to the portion and capacity of the violation committed.

Fulfill employee rights in accordance with applicable regulations

Fulfillment of employee rights is clearly regulated in the KFTD code of conduct in relation to industrial personnel. These rights include freedom of association, expression of opinion, and prohibition of all forms of discrimination.

Creating good and safe working environment

To ensure the welfare of its employees, KFTD creates a safe work environment and applies a zero discrimination policy against any ethnicity, race or religion. Every employee has the right to equal, fair and respectful treatment from superiors, subordinates and colleagues. 

These ethical standards create a harmony between the company and its employees. Securing employees’ welfare also means providing no room for corruption—because when employees feel comfortable and get their rights, they can show their best work performance and participate in protecting the company from criminal acts in any form.